Closing For a Cause
Throughout the year, we support our local schools and charitable organizations. Then, at the end of each year on Colorado Gives Day, we take a percentage of our annual profit and pick several charitable organizations to donate to. For the past 3 years, we have been able to increase our charitable donations by almost double.
Castle Rock Adventist
Hospital Healing Garden
The Thayer Group donated the funds to construct the playhouse at the CommunityHealing Garden, which opened in June 2018. This very special outdoor space, located between the Briscoe and Alexandermedical buildings, is a peaceful retreat for our patients, families, physicians, staff, and community. The majestic year-around fountain and plaza is often a welcomed reprieve for families with loved ones in the hospital or waiting for surgery outcomes. Our “built with love” colorful little playhouse provides children a fun place to get some fresh air and use up a little energy while they are waiting for their appointments or for new siblings to be born.